The reading room and bookshop is located at 7105 Reynolds St just beyond Frick Park - Pittsburgh’s largest municipal park. Growing out of its proximity to this large green space, the reading room is a third space, a place to tune in, slow down, and connect deeply, while surrounded by thought-provoking publications.
Upcoming community programming will invite collaboration and co-inquiry from writers, designers, athletes, artists, and naturalists across Western Pennsylvania.
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Events we’re organizing and happenings in the neighborhood and beyond that we’re excited about.
08_22_24 Summer Herb Class
Taught by Michelle Soto
Sterrett School Herb Garden
08_24_24 Hot Bitch Summer Bike Race @ Unison Bike Lab
08_29_24 Summer Herb Class
Taught by Michelle Soto
Sterrett School Herb Garden
Fall 24 BIPOC Climbing Festival @ NRG